So I am sitting here trying to start this project and I have been on the phone all day with Miami people. Everyone from Power 96 DJs to Fulanito's agent to the City of Miami Beach's special events dept. Why you ask? Because I am doing a hypothetical project for a job interview and I have to put together an integrated marketing plan for an event in Miami. When the job recruiter told me what the project was, I almost came out of my skin. Miami is my favorite city in the U.S., it embodies everything I love. The rich ethnic etouffé, the electric pianos over congas, the tangas, the mansions, the power...I love it all. I feel like God is bringing so many things into my path, I can hardly believe it. The job title has changed now, it's not Marketing Specialist anymore. It will be "Assistant Brand Manager"...SEXY...If I have the word manager in my title I might just grow a pair of new tetas to wear when I want to floss...I'm telling you, this project might give me the edge I'm looking for. My creativity, my vision, my writing, my energy- all wrapped up into one. I am just trusting God that He will do what He needs to do and hopefully I'm part of that plan.
I will tell you though, at this point in my life I feel UNSTOPPABLE. I dare anyone to tell me different. Here I go people, watch out!
I´m so glad things are going well for you. I´ll be reading your blog, even if I can´t comment often from Spain.
Aaron, nice to hear from you! Hope all is going well for you in España. See any good soccer games?
it's not Marketing Specialist anymore. It will be "Assistant Brand Manager"...SEXY...If I have the word manager in my title I might just grow a pair of new tetas to wear when I want to floss
LOL! That line is GREAT, it says it all with a great sense of humor. Bueno TT, buena suerte con tu proyecto, y claro guardarialo para ti en mis oraciones.
Oh now I'm blushing! Jajaja...ya tú sa muchacho, pa' joder na' más! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, much needed and appreciated!
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