I friggin' love this shirt. If you could see the hoard of clueless mofos out here who think they are starting the next Stalinist movement with their Che t-shirts, wallets, key chains, etc....what are we in now, Spaceballs? "Moichandising, moichandising!" I know, why don't we get Castro toilet paper so we can show him how we really feel? "Gracias por dejarme cagar en tu cara comandante" catchy, ¿no?
How about this one?
Let us ALL be like Che..
Asthmatic and "mancos" (handless)
Cruel I know, but hey he had no problem splattering 12 year old kids brains all over La Cabaña.
Hey, and I like your style also but I am just a potty mouthed Habanero brought up in Naw Yawk City.. so, that makes for a lotta angst much easier released through the use of expletives
Thanks guys, it's nice to see some pasión coming out of NYC. Do you have any books you can recommend about the "Real Che"? Just want to get my knowledge on, and basically piss people off on public transit with my reading materials...A ver que me dicen!
It is AMAZING how the "mythical" CHE has been embedded into the global consciousness. I think it just had more to do with that god damn picture that anything else. Gotta admit is a GREAT picture and Jim Morrison had nothing on this guy regarding looks. So he was pretty much the first 60s Rock Star martyr.
I sit and chat with American friends, I have debated University professors, business associates in Latin America you name it I have been through it, and ... they know NOT a thing about "El God Damn Che"
You will be appalled at his barbarism, his innate cowardice, his homophobia and racism.
It is "said" (notice the quotation disclaimer) that Argentineans are The French of Latin America. All of the ones I have met are VERY proud they do not have blacks or indigenous natives. It is kind of distasteful actually. So "Che" carried that cultural trait to the hilt. He called us “Cubaniches” with translates into “Cuba-niggers”, he found that totally acceptable. He thought we were lazy, and did not deserve to have a man like HIM as a leader (yeah, some leader he turned out to be: “Don’t kill me I am El Che , I am worth more alive than dead”)
Let us remember that Argentina was a favorite exile spot for Nazi Germany.. so .. Who knows?
Oh man, I have heard how the Argentinos are in Miami. I have friends out there who said they get along with everyone but the Argentinos think they are better than everyone. As a famous comedian once said: "Atención Argentinos: ¡NO SON EUROPEOS!" Me imagino que el Che no era tan distinto. You know what though? I feel like liberals identify with him because he was a spoon fed mofo like them who stumbled upon inequity and wanted to help...unfortunately he basically turned into the biggest wannabe gangster of all time. He's like those middle class white kids that do drive-bys to prove themselves...¿como ves?
I haven't seen that, hilarious! We all just need to admit that we are capitalist pigs and embrace it!
Tremenda :
I think Che saw a GREAT short cut to a long road and a place in history. POPULISM!
It worked in Russia, in France , hell it will work ANYPLACE.
Make the rich the BLATANT enemy.
I doubt there was any sense of fair play or humanity at ANY time in Che's life. NOONE changes THAT much!
Much has been written about Hitler's early years as a shy retired artist and all of a sudden, SNAP. I think it is all bullshit.
These were opportunists, right place , right time , PERFECT circumstances. Hitler blamed the jews for all the ills of Germany , Che and KaSStro the rich and the USA. Perfect scapegoats.
The formula is rather simple .. PROMISE EVERYTHING to the poor, and deliver NOTHING or almost NOTHING, "que no es lo mismo , pero es casi igual" (Carlos Varela wrote THAT!)
By the time both the rich & the poor realized they have been dupped you already have war heads barreling down some "Plaza" and some lunatic gesturing like a mad man on a lectern.
Ever see a USA president gesturing like a mad man on a lectern?
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