So it's done. Project is finished, FedExed and delivered yesterday at 10:20 am PST. I am in Massachusetts right now visiting my family. I went to Cape Cod last Thursday and came up to Lowell on Sunday night. I have been hanging out with Yia Yia and my cousins, it has been great to see my family. Sometimes I wish I lived here, I have always had a weird thing about not having grown up around my extended family....I guess I felt like a part of me was missing back west...
So here's to the title of this entry. Since I sent this project off, I have realized a few things. I am currently an unkown nobody, a "what's her name?" if you will. I am proud of the work I did, and I am praying it will get me noticed in some way, but I realized that in the grand scheme of things I am pretty insignificant. I suppose that's OK, I am not looking for great fame, but it's just so funny that in the end no matter what we do for work and how much we put into it, we truly remain relatively nondescript in the big picture.
On the other hand, I cannot wait until next week! I will find out then if I get an interview, and I am so excited!!! I have a good feeling I will, since the last time I checked I was only one of 2 internal people who made it to the phone screen. I don't know if the other internal person made it, but we'll see!
In other news, I have my 10 year high school reunion this weekend...kind of anxious. I haven't seen some of these people since graduation and I am curious to see what they all look like and what they've done with their lives! Too bad I couldn't waltz in with my fancy new job title in hand but I suppose it'll keep me humble for now. Saw the list of folks and the high school boyfriend has a "maybe" next to his name. I saw him a few years ago at Christmas, we went out to lunch. He is in the Airforce still and I'm thinking he will make a career out of it, he never has been too much of a motivated character. I, on the other hand am not in the greatest shape but I don't plan on wearing a bikini to this thing either! Let's just hope this zit clears up before Friday....Happy Wednesday all!
Things sound great for you! I´m happy. 10 year reunion , huh? I graduates in 95, too.
1995 was a very good year...it was an interesting event to say the least!
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