Saturday, June 4, 2005

Am I Smart Enough?

What kind of a question is that? Of course you're smart girl! That's what they tell got into grad school, you got the job with the company you wanted, you are respected in your community...why would you question yourself? Why now after you worked so hard...took the GMAT, got the score to get you into the school of your choice, and now you are thinking about journalism? What is wrong with you? I think the MBA will get you farther in life...but what do I know? Why do you always second guess yourself? Where is your passion? Where is your life heading? Will you ever write? Right now your writing looks like crap. Sure, you can write a paper for school and get an A, but can you write? Get the MBA, you can always write later. Plus, there's nothing stopping you from writing with an's a respected degree, but do you think you'll get tired of it? Do you really want to go into Marketing? What is it that you love? You love analysis, you love people, you love love writing...but you also love Latin America...the politics, the economy, the culture. Nothing is worse than a writer with no life experience. Go see it, become an expert then write about it. See the world on the corporate dime, do your dance on the dance floor, then write about it. Explore Brazil, Caracas, Greece, Spain, the people, lose yourself to them...listen... listen......LISTEN! Santo Domingo te llama.....te está rumba te está susurrando...ven, ven, ven a gozar, ven a guayar, ven a apuntar tu nombre aquí en esta pista mujerrrr.....héchate pa'lante pa'que no te empujen pa'tras! Eso es lo que te está diciendo bajo la alfombra....súbete pa'l monte y grita con inspiración: "Yo desde este monte cruzaré al otro lado donde me espera el éxito, la fama, y la satisfacción! No me detendrá nadie, ni el temor ni la falta de valor, por que YO SOY la que vino a representar la voz de los sordomudos." Esto es lo que me inspira a mejorarme....


Timora said...

No doubts: ¡Subete pa'l monte!
Gracias por incluirme en tus links, yo aún ne sé cómo hacer links (pero aprenderé?.
Un abrazo

Tremenda Trigueña said...

¡Gracias por tus respuestas! Me dan algo en que puedo reflejar mis pensamientos...siempre me hace sentir bien que alguien puede compartir conmigo.