I know I said I was going to post a picture of the Fulanito concert, and here it is! From left to right: Pickles, La Otra Ajena, Edwin, Me, Dose, and Jay "El Boricua" half-pictured. (That's the quality you get from a drunk Venezuelan photographer/security guard). Had a great time kickin' it backstage with the crew...not an everyday occurrence here on the Oregon Trail! Looking forward to getting them out here for a corporate event next year, we'll see! Well, at least I felt like a movie star for a few hours....let's hope for more of this in the future.
Ay, how I wish I'd been there...I LOOOOVE Fulanito's music and their obvious pride in their identity as Latinos
Kathy Villegas
As well as being fine young stars, I can also attest that they were true caballeros. The tall moreno in the back is the lead singer Dose's brother and the group's agent. He was my primary contact with them, because (I'm bragging now) I had to do a project for work which incidentally required me to call them and get information about their booking fees. When they came into town, I called them and suggested we meet. When my friends and I walked up to the back door to go backstage, the Venezuelans who were hosting them (who I happen to know) were dumbfounded and couldn't believe we knew them. It was a minor victory, but I felt like a star just the same... ;)
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