So I have a project room- and I am taking the opportunity to make it as sexy and unobtainable as possible. Above you will see the sofa I chose for the room, a simple retro-fit cream leather that is perfect for any décor. Below you will see just 2 of the chairs I chose- the side and sofa tables were not available online for viewing. This room will be almost all black and white, with some dark walnut accents on the tables. My Sister The Artist is making me custom paintings to fit my room and helping me with spatial layout to enhance the visual splendor to those that walk through my front door. I am badly in need of a round area rug, preferably in cream. This is my Donatella Versace/Tasteful Mafia Wife playground in which I can hold white wine socials (there won't be a nary merlot near these gems, BELIEVE me!) and church lady lectures. I DO think I have better taste than Carmela Soprano, though. I'm calling it Italian Modern meets her Sicilian cousin on the holidays. Unlike
some people, I refuse to try to be tasteful at Christmas- which I will outline in my post-Christmas décor rant. Think poinsettas snuggled cozily with gold lamé...and love it.
It has a very Italo-Dick Van Dyke thing going on. I like.
P.S. That style of furniture is VERRRRRY easy to reupholster when you get bored.
Heeeey- nice synopsis! I'm not a rich woman, but I'm pleased with what I could afford. Thanks for the reup tip!
Style is style. A lot of the rich people in this world have no style, so whatever money they have is completely wasted.
And I've got plenty more where that came from! :) (style that is)
En serio, you've been on a design kick of late. Perhaps you might have made the wrong career turn way back in school...
You're probably right- but I think with the MBA I can take that flair for design and apply it to a multi-million dollar business venture one day. It's already come in handy at my current job- I gave the VP a makeover for her TV and public appearances! I think the design mania will calm down once I've satisfactorily(?) designed my home...or not!
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