Everyone said I would do it but I wasn't sure. Everyone believed in me, but I had a shadow of doubt looming over my head. The day after my interview I could actually hear the devil laughing at me...
But Friday morning, Friday morning a little past 9am I went to check my phone messages and I had 2 voice mails and a page from the Recruiter. I didn't even take the time to swallow the lump in my throat before I dialed her number. Thank God she answered right away and:
R: "Are you sitting down?"
TT: "No, but I will"
R: "It's you"
TT: "Shutup."
R: "No, it's you TT"
TT: "Are you serious?"
R: "Yes. They were very impressed with both candidates but your work experience and knowledge of the Latino market really impressed them. It's ok, you can cry!"
TT: *pause* "I'm just trying to breathe"
R: "Well I'm really glad I was the one who got to make this phone call"
TT: "Me too!"
R: "So the next steps: the hiring manager will make a call to your supervisor next week to determine when's the best time for you to start, then she will be calling you with an offer. Since this is a promotion from A to B tier, there are some things we will have to do to get your salary to up to where we want to you start you, but I think you will be very pleased with our offer"
TT: "Sounds good!"
R: "Congratulations"
TT: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!"
I have finally arrived. All my hard work, night sweats, caffeine-induced hallucinations, accounting exams, crazy phone calls to Miami, acceptance to grad school, and late nights rumbeando finally paid off. This year has been one of the most landmark years of my life, and all before my 29th birthday.
- February I bought my first house
- March I was accepted to the #1 MBA program of my choice
- October I was hired for the job of my dreams
Can I be stopped? At this point I don't think anyone can plant a seed of doubt in my head. All the people who looked at me like a call girl "trying to get into acting" when I told them I was "trying to get into Marketing at Company X".....they will surely gawk in amazement when they find out that I have.
So here's how it works: for the next 2 years I will be rotating to a different Marketing department every 4 months. I will be assigned a project and I will have to come up with a solution. A business problem? For me? Nooo.... ;) I am so insanely excited I cannot wait to start. No more: "Hey Tremenda, can you enter this order for me? My system is down. (i.e., I don't feel like it)" or "Can you cancel 62% of every 3rd line on this order?" or "I'm sorry you (or your team) won't be invited to the sales meeting this time, you're just not important enough!"
Now it will be: "Tremenda, we've got a hell of a problem and we know you're the only one who can solve it. Here's a box of donuts and a year's worth of coffee. -Go." and "Great job Tremenda. The advertising campaign you put together just made us 26.3 million dollars. As a reward, you will be having dinner with the CEO to discuss your vision for the Latino market. Whaddya say?"
Jeez, I tell ya I will really miss being everybody's b*tch in Customer Service, but now I will be a high-heel wearin', Versace tote carryin' PAID b*tch.
Life is good, people. Very, very good.
...but...did you do the Snoopy dance?
You'd have to teach me that one, o Child of the 70s.... ;)
If you see the Peanuts Christmas special you will see Snoopy doing his dance.
P.S. That "child of the 70s" thing is a cheap shot! It wasn't MY fault! ;-)
I'm glad things are going well, but I'm jealous. I'm still teaching 3rd graders!
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