Well I'm a little tired of spilling my soul to Bloggerville, so I'm going to keep it light today.
So...3 of my best friends and I went to the jewelry store on Friday night and picked out matching 'right hand rings' to commemorate our 10 years of friendship (pictured above). I am really excited to purchase a nice piece of jewelry for myself, I have never done it and I would really like to have something that reflects the success I have experienced over the last year. I have received a tremendous amount of support from these women, and I would like to give them the recognition they deserve. We have decided to plan a trip together every year in June starting in 2007. (One of the girls is nursing a newborn right now...not quite the right conditions for perreando en la disco!)
Our 2007 trip will be in Puerto Rico...La Isla del Encanto! I miss it so much there, the carefree days in El Paseo de Diego, mantecados, donas de guayaba, pincho de quien sabe que clase de carne, Pollo Tropical, el coquí, Coronado....todo eso. I cannot wait to go and let my sandunga free once again. Right now I feel like a caged bird.
Once I have my MBA and I can clear my head of the stress, I think things will change for the better....but that's not for quite some time. In the meantime I am focused and driven and have my friends to turn to for support. That's all for today!
Well, rats.
I was hoping for some angst or something. ;-)
Port◙te bien,
Ah no...the angst I'm saving for a rainy day. Me estoy portando muy bien, muchas gracias. :) Ciao...
Y el año que viene...en La Habana.
Can you really get there? I would love to travel to Cuba...but no sé como con el embargo y todo...
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