I was browsing the Miami Herald online this morning and found this picture of Celia Cruz and her wonderful husband Pedro. Celia has long been one of my heroines, a woman who shone brighter than her husband and yet he faithfully stood behind her and supported her all the way. In a country where women are gaining more opportunities to run things (as Pink, the first magazine for professional women details) we have pioneers like Celia to thank for paving the way. As I start my MBA program on Monday, I too will be on the track to professional and personal greatness. With hard work, faith in God and acknowledgment of my own potential, I hope to be a Celia one day. I have a husband who probably struggles with the fact that I may make more money than he does in a few years...I understand the male pride thing, and I understand the instinctual source of it since men have traditionally been the breadwinners in society. However, I refuse to shelter the world from my light or deny that I will box my way through the nay-sayers, shortcomings, or disappointments on my way to that pie in the sky. I grew up watching the Jeffersons and Good Times for crying out loud!
"Movin' on up to the east side, to that deluxe apartment in the sky-hy-hy, moo-hovin' on up, to the east side, we finally got a piece of the pie"
MBA? Excellent! We need more MBAs out there. Great blog and "break a leg."
Good luck on your MBA program. I too am thinking about returning to school this fall. I have a week to make my decision...
(And it's getting pretty common for wives to make more $$ than their husbands. Just don't throw it in his face, and all will be ok.)
Thanks guys...yes, I know not to throw it in his face! :) Thanks for the love!
For the record, somewhere in the deep dark mists of my blog I posited the wish that my wife would out earn me by such an extent that I became a househusband.
That's how liberated and progressive I am.
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